This course is ideal for people working in low hazard environments (e.g. offices, shops, libraries) or where a first aider is required in the workplace.
It gives learners the skills and confidence to respond to a range of accidents and first aid emergencies. It is also ideal for people who have a specific responsibility to provide first aid in voluntary and community activities.
This First Aid at Work course meets the standards required to comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations, endorsed by the HSE.
First Aid at Work Course Content
Continuous observation by the trainer and written assessments.
Successful Learners will receive a QA Level 3 Award in Emergency Aid at Work (RQF) certificate valid for 3 years.
3 Years
Funding not available
For refresher courses or booking tests only Contact us
The course content is suited to all ability levels.
These dates don't suit you? Contact us and see if we have availability in the future.
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